Family Dances

Family dances were suspended, due to COVID, and have not yet resumed.

Family dances are great for young families, especially those ages 0-7! Even babies can participate in carriers.

The dance committee would value help is setting up family dances. Please email us at if you are willing to help with this.

Why come to a family dance?

  • Parents/adults dance with kids
  • Fantastic LIVE celtic/Québécois music
  • Easy, fun dances all taught by a caller
  • Absolutely no experience necessary
  • Move your body to rhythms
  • Feel community connections
  • Meet new friends

What you need to know

Dates and Time: TBD

Admission:* (2019-20 prices)
$20 for a family (max 2 adults)
$10 for anyone 16 yrs and above
$5 for 3-15 yrs old
free 0-2 yrs old
* prices include HST

Join us for an optional potluck after each Family dance – a great way to mingle with other families. Please bring a dish to share with list of ingredients, as well as plates, cups and cutlery to save on disposable plastic.