We have reached our limit and Hey Fever! dance weekend 2024 is now sold out. Sorry if you missed getting a spot. If you would like to be on our waitlist, in case we get some cancellations, then fill in this waitlist form. We’ll offer any spots that open up in a first come, first served manner.
Refer to Covid Measures – Ottawa Contra for information about Ottawa Contra dance’s Covid policies. They apply to Hey Fever! too. Masks are optional at this dance weekend.
Saturday lunch: Our pre-paid Saturday lunch option is sold out. That lunch will be Shawarma food, with various options to select from, plus a treat, such as cookies. It will include a vegetarian options too. It will be eaten in our main hall.
Bring your own: We will keep the main hall open during the lunch and dinner breaks. You are most welcome to bring your own meal(s) to eat in the hall. We especially hope many will have lunches in the hall, and get to know some of your fellow dancers!
Eat out: There are also LOTs of lovely restaurants / meal options in the dance hall area to enjoy (easily walkable). Use the Restaurants – Google Maps link to see lots of choices.
Cancellation policy
A full refund, minus a $10 fee, will be issued if the cancellation request is received on, or before, October 18th, 2024.
After October 18th, we will provide a refund (minus $10 fee) only if we can fill the spot(s) by other attendees.
Send email to ottawacontra@gmail.com if you need to cancel.
Any questions?
If you have any questions simply send an email to ottawacontra@gmail.com to ask. 🙂