
One of the best ways to get to know people in the Ottawa contra dance community is to volunteer!

All our dances and concerts depend on our wonderful volunteers. Help make our events a success by donating your time – It’s easy – we offer training and as little as an hour can help.

Why volunteer?

  • Meet new people and get to know your fellow dancers better
  • Feel part of an active, energetic community
  • It’s easy – an hour of your time can help
  • Contribute your talents, knowledge, and skills
  • Participate in decisions about our dance community
  • Have fun!

What can I do?

  • Volunteer an hour or so at any dance/workshop: It takes at least 10-14 volunteers to run every dance – everything from providing refreshments to hall set up and take down to taking admissions at the door (see the list below).
  • Support special events: Special events like our Hey Fever dance weekend and annual Ball take a little more work – organizing, decorating, special refreshments etc. Let us know if you want to be involved.
  • Promote and grow our community: Are you an ideas or action person? We need skills in creative promotion, community outreach, and social media. We’re passionate about keeping our dance community vibrant and growing, so let us know how you can help!
  • Participate on the Ottawa Contra Dance Committee: Are you a strategic thinker and decision maker? Join our friendly Dance Committee. We meet regularly to discuss program planning, outreach, finances and sub-committee projects.

How do I get started?

If you have any questions, contact our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@ottawacontra.ca for more information.

Sign up for the volunteer email list here to receive our regular email requests for volunteers:

Make sure you are also subscribed to the main newsletter too!

Volunteers Regularly Needed for Dances

Floor Manager: Responsible for the whole evening from start to finish; coordinates and supports volunteers at the dance.

Set-up Assistant: Helps set up the hall supported by Floor Manager (requires training).

Sound Assistant: Helps Sound person set up and take down sound system (requires training).

Door Welcomers (4 shifts): Welcome dancers and take admission payment.

Shoe Police: Ensures that those arriving have clean shoes to enter the hall.

Refreshments: Buys and sets out the refreshments. Ensures the refreshment station is organized, replenished, and cleaned.

Tear-down: Several volunteers to help the Floor Manager put everything away and clean up the hall and kitchen.

We depend on our wonderful volunteers to make the dances run smoothly!